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“A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”

Newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane quoted these famous words in 1911 to describe the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single image. These words are still true.  As we watch sights and sounds illustrated throughout the news media of events and heartwarming stories we find ourselves griping to the information that is being depicted in front of our very eyes. People look at pictures and videos and determine if it is caught on film (or these days’ mobile devices) that it must be true. The same can be held true when someone places picture or videos in social media.   In the legal venue pictures and video are priceless. These documented recorded images become valuable assets to prove or disprove guilt, intentions and demeanor. They can be shown to a judge or jury to make a determination of fact.   What happens though if there are no pictures, no videos, nothing to show us “visual creatures”? Well we may not have the answer for all situations but at PROVIDENCE-Specialized Investigative Solutions we have an answer for crime and accident scenes. 3D Diagraming and Animation.   PROVIDENCE-SIS has obtained software and training that will allow us to provide our clients with images of scenes recreated in stunning 3D HD detail. So whether you are looking to have an accurate diagram or a complex animations give PROVIDENCE-SIS a call to see if we can help. Remember, “a picture is worth a thousand words”!   Diagram

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